3 Recipes to brew on the Orea V3 dripper
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While the Orea V3 hasn't been around for ages it has proven to be popular for enthusiasts and home coffee brewers alike. It is easy to use, fast flowing and produces high quality coffee making it a super consistent brewer.
The Orea V3 is made of 2 parts (the brewer and the base) The brewer is made up of a durable Food safe Nylon that wont crack while the base is comprised of post-consumer recycled materials such as bottles and disposable face masks, it is also wide enough to fit most servers and cups.
Currently the Orea V3 is available in a matte black textured brewer known as 'Basalt' with an array of different coloured bases, of which are made to be completly unique from each other as no two bases are the same.
What filters can I use for the Orea V3?
The most popular filters to use with the Orea V3 are the Kalita Wave. However Orea also make a Negotiator tool that allows you to use flat circle filters in your Orea V3 Dripper.
How To Set Different Filters:
Kalita Wave:
First place your Kalita Wave filter in your Orea V3, start pouring your hot water at the centre of your dripper base and then the trick is to wait a couple of seconds for your water to creep up and absorb towards the walls of the dripper.
After this start pouring your water over the sides of your filter and you are ready to brew!
Kalita Wave + Negotiator:
There are a couple of ways to set your filter with the Negotiator and the Kalita Wave combination but so far I have seen great success by first setting your filter exactly as instructed above, then place the negotiator on top of the filter while applying pressure twist your filter to fold the ribs of the Kalita Wave filter.
This method does take a little bit of practice but once perfected does offer a cheap solution to brew using the Orea V3 and Kalita Wave filters.
Flat Circle Filters + Negotiator:
Orea have released their own circular paper filters, these are lab grade and super high quality compared to the Kalita wave filters however they are also the most challenging to set properly.
To set these, first fold and crease your filters in half and then half again. This creates an 'x' to mark the centre of the circle.
Turn the Negotiator upside down place the creased circle filter on top, fold down the filter paper from the edges of the creases and then place the Orea V3 on top to lock in the shape of the filter. After this remove the Negotiator and pre wet your filter starting from the base and then working your way up the walls.
Sibarist Fast Flat Filters:
Sibarist Fast Flat Filters are perfect for the Orea V3, these are a rough circular shape and come pre creased. Simply place these into the V3 and pre wet starting from the centre working your way up to the walls of the dripper. These filters are much easier to use compared to the circular filters and true to Sibarist's other filters are incredibly fast flowing.
Orea Brew Guide - Fast and Furious:
For this recipe we are going to take advantage of the Orea V3 dripper's fast flow and aim for a high extraction. We are going to do this by grinding finer than usual and by using the Sibarist filter papers, this will have a higher extraction and more concentrated flavour. With this recipe you want to be careful not going too fine as there can be muddy flavours that start to appear, we will go more into depth with this later on.
300g Coffee Brewing Water (1Aquacode sachet : 5L Distilled)
- First thing's first we need to set up our filter. The Sibarist Flat Filters come perforated so you don't need any tool just simply fold them into place. Place your folded Sibarist filter paper into your Orea V3 and pre wet with some hot water, this ensures that your filter will stay in place and will stick to your Orea dripper.
- Grind 20g dose of coffee (20 Clicks on Comandnate) and add this to your Orea dripper, shake your Orea to disperse your coffee grounds evenly.
- For this brew recipe we are going to pour our first 100g in a fast pour making sure to cover all of the coffee grounds.
- After 30-40 seconds we are going to go in with our second pour of 100g (total 200 so far) and we are going to get the tip of our kettle much closer to the brew bed and cause much less agitation, you want to see a thin stream of water and not as much coffee grounds being churned through.
- Now we are going to repeat step 4 until we have a total of 300g of total water, wait for this to draw down completely and enjoy.
You can expect a heavy body, a very flavourful cup and lots of acidity. This brew method can often come across as tasting muddy or over-extracted, to correct this simply grind coarser or lower your water temperature. Most often this is all it will take to get your coffee tasting more balanced.
Orea Brew Guide - Balanced and Mellow:
This is my favourite recipe for washed coffees in particular, it's clean, well balanced and works great for a daily coffee recipe. For this recipe we grind slightly more coarse than our previous recipe and by using a Kalita wave filter, the fast flow of the Orea V3 paired with the Kalita wave filter will create a fairly average brew time.
300g Coffee Brewing Water (1Aquacode sachet : 5L Distilled)
- Add your Kalita wave filter to your Orea V3 dripper and pre wet using hot water, this will remove the papery taste from the Kalita papers and will help to bring your Orea V3 up to a hotter temperature that it optimal for brewing. (This is known as pre-wetting and pre-heating your dripper).
- Grind 20g dose of coffee (25 Clicks on Comandnate) and add this to your Orea dripper, shake your Orea to disperse your coffee grounds evenly.
- For this brew recipe we are going to pour our first 60g in a fast pour making sure to cover all of the coffee grounds.
- Wait for this to draw down completly before starting your next pour of 60g. Make sure you use a much slower and softer pour, you can achieve this by lowering your kettle much closer to the bed of coffee.
- We are going to complete step 4 until we reach a brew weight of 300g this is 5x pours of 60g of water (60/60/60/60/60).
Orea Brew Guide - Bright and Vibrant:
This is a fun one, the goal of this recipe is to grind on the coarser side but to still maintain a vibrant extraction and not to get any astringency in your cup, I found this recipe to only be suited to some coffees and from my experience the more developed the roast (pushing towards a medium roast) this recipe shines! It also works well more fermented tasting, Natural and full on coffees.
In order for us to grind coarser and still have a 2-3minute brew time we are going to need some more resistance, to do this we will utilise the Circle Filter papers but we are also going to tamp our bed of coffee.
300g Coffee Brewing Water (1Aquacode sachet : 5L Distilled)
Coffee tamper / something round and similarly shaped
- First we are going to set up our Orea V3 with the Orea Circle Filters. We spoke about how to do this earlier in the article.
- Next add 20g of coffee ground at 25-30 Clicks on Comandnate) and add this to your Orea dripper, shake your Orea to disperse your coffee grounds evenly.
- Using a coffee tamper or a similarly shaped round object press down onto the coffee grounds to compact your coffee bed. This is not an espresso so don't press down too hard otherwise you will end up breaking the filter paper.
- StartFor this brew recipe we are going to pour our first 60g in a fast pour making sure to cover all of the coffee grounds.
- Wait for this to draw down completly before starting your next pour of 60g. Make sure you use a much slower and softer pour, you can achieve this by lowering your kettle much closer to the bed of coffee.
- We are going to complete step 5 until we reach a brew weight of 300g this is 5x pours of 60g of water (60/60/60/60/60).