Post Extraction Coffee Enhancements

Post Extraction Coffee Enhancements

Estimated read time: 2 minute

Coffee nerds love to dial in coffee, pushing boundaries, getting technical and controlling all factors when it comes to brewing coffee. But when it comes to growing coffee, processing and roasting we are limited to how much control we can actually have on our coffee.

That being said, we are seeing a new trend of enhancing coffee after it has been extracted, keep in mind that this is different from WDT tools or anything that is used pre-extraction. 

Origami Sensory Cup Pink specialty coffee cup pink coffee cup

Pre Extraction Coffee Enhancements:

Before we get into Post Extraction coffee enhancements, I think it's important to acknowledge that pretty much every 'Pre-Extraction' variable will have more of an impact on changing the flavour of your coffee. 

While there are so many processes to coffee that occur before your brew I want to focus mainly on the immediate pre-extraction phase, this is because for most coffee consumers this is the most amount of control they will have.

This immediate pre-extraction phase includes:

Each one of these either directly or indirectly impact how your coffee is extracted and the resulting flavours you're able to get from your coffee.
  • Coffee Storage
  • Coffee Puck Preparation
  • WDT Tools
  • Coffee Grinders

wdt coffee tool wdt espresso tool black needle coffee tool spin coffee needle barista tool coffee gear part espresso needle spikey coffee tool

Post Extraction Coffee Enhancements:

Extract Chilling Coffee: 

When it comes to post extraction coffee enhancements, extract chilling takes the cake. By running your espresso or pour over coffee over a cold ball you are able to capture up to 40% otherwise lost volatile aromatic compounds! Compound chilling the first half of your coffee will result in a cleaner, more flavourful cup of coffee that has a more defined structure. 

Extract Chilling Coffee - Coffee Alive blanching espresso tool

Learn more about Extract Chilling Coffee.

Origami Sensory Cup:

The Origami Sensory Cup pioneered introducing coffee cups as an element of coffee competitions. Featuring a thin lip and a wide mouth that allows you to asses the aroma of your coffee while drinking. 

Ni Wares Bouba Cup: 

The Ni Wares Bouba Cup is another specialty coffee cup that has featured in competitions for very good reason, Mimicking the body of a wine glass the Ni Wares cup has a unique lip that graduates in thickness resulting in 2 sides to drink coffee, hence the name 'Ni' meaning 2 in Japanese.

This gradual thickness allows you to experience coffee from each side in completly different way. The thin lip of the Bouba cup delivers a thin layer of coffee on to the palate which emphasises fruity notes and vibrant taste. While drinking from the thick lip of the Bouba cup delivers a thicker layer of coffee that coats the roof of your palate increasing the textural component of your coffee and sweetness.

Ni Wares Bouba Cup - Competition coffee cup Pink Basic Barista

What's the Deal With Pink Coffee Cups?

No it's not a coincidence that the last 2 cups we mentioned are both pink, there is some actual science behind this. 
Researchers examined 457 participants in a study on how flavour perception is influenced by colour, the results found were that colour plays a central part in consumers response towards food and drink, even if the colour is part of the container from which the food and drink is consumed.
The results suggest this is also true for specialty coffee since the colour of the cup affected expected and perceived tastes as well as hedonic judgements in amateur consumers.

Read the full scientific paper.

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