Manual Brewing Coffee Pour Over Coffee Basic Barista

Why Manual Brewing Coffee Is So Rewarding

Estimated read time: 3 minute

If you've ever seen one of our coffee videos or someone making pour over coffee you might be wondering what's the big deal? But until you try it for yourself you won't know just how meditative this ritual can become.

For many, making coffee is laborious and the less steps required to get that caffeine kick the better. But for some taking time to brew your coffee, perfect your technique and experience the different flavours each origin, process and variety have to offer manual brewing can become a life long journey and integral part of your morning.

In this article, we'll unravel the intricacies of manual brewing and pour over techniques, promising to elevate your understanding and more importantly, inspire appreciation for this daily process. Are you ready to transform your boring morning instant coffee into a flavour exploration and ritual? let's delve into the world of manual brewing coffee.

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Differences Between Manual Brewing and Automatic Coffee Brewing?

Manual Brewing Coffee involves a direct, hands on process where you control every variable in the process (at least the 'brewing variables') from grinding of the coffee beans to the temperature of the water and the rate at which it pours.

This greatly contrasts with automatic coffee brewing, where the machine does much of the work. Manual methods, such as pour over coffee, allow for fine tuning of the brew, giving you the power to highlight specific flavour notes and achieve a personalised taste profile.

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In late 2024 - early 2025 we have seen the launch of some of the most innovative automatic coffee brewers to hit the domestic at-home market, the xBloom, Fellow Aiden and Morning Dream are the most prominent automatic machines to be released.

While this is a very exciting time and an innovative space in the coffee market, it's important to remember the end result that these machines produce (a cup of coffee with little human interaction). For many a machine that spits out a coffee is a game changer, but for those who have brewed manually the feeling of something missing can start to appear. Routine, repetition and the need to create and improve are all gone with automatic machines and the meditative benefits that manual brewing offers are no longer there.

Everything You Start To Appreciate When Brewing Coffee Manually

Embracing manual brewing methods like pour over coffee, lever espresso machines and manual hand grinders invites you to savour every aspect of the brewing process. You become attuned to the aroma of freshly ground beans, the initial bloom of coffee as hot water first meets coffee grounds and the changing sounds of coffee dripping into your server.

Exploring the journey your coffee beans have been on to get to you and the many processes, transportation and chemical changes it has undergone from coffee cherry seed to cup.

This hands on approach not only deepens your appreciation for the complexities of coffee but also enhances your mindfulness and connection to the moment when brewing pour over coffee.

I would even go as far as saying that the reason why brewing pour over coffee is so attractive for myself and I wonder if other baristas would agree with me.
Working as a barista or in a busy kitchen you fall in love with the fast pace, busy sounds and the repetition. My many years working in a cafe was always focused around being quicker and producing a better quality product. I can't help but feel that this has burned a fast pace and methodical mindset to which I also apply to making coffee at home. I know this is sounding like the characteristic of OCD but I find this methodical and repetition completly hypnotising and comforting.

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How to start manual brewing coffee at home

Beginning your journey with manual brewing coffee at home is exciting and accessible. Key to this are a few essential tools: a reliable coffee dripper, quality filter coffee papers, and a precision pour-over kettle. The Hario V60 setup is perfect for newcomers and veterans alike, known for its effectiveness in extracting full-bodied coffee flavours. Visit our Basic Barista site for tutorials and tips on using these espresso equipment and alternative brewing methods, and start experimenting to find what tastes best to you.

Basic Equipment Needed To Start Brewing Pour Over Coffee:

  • Hario V60 Dripper Clear Plastic: Craft your perfect cup of coffee with this user-friendly dripper, a staple in the coffee gear collection of enthusiasts and professionals alike. View Product
  • Hario V60 Filter Papers (100pk): Achieve a clean, crisp cup of coffee every time with these high-quality filter papers, essential for any filter coffee enthusiast. View Product
  • Hario Drip Kettle Tetsu Kasuya 500ml: Master the art of pour control with this elegantly designed kettle, tailored for the precision required in alternative brewing methods. View Product

To Sum Manual Brewing Up:

Manual brewing coffee is not just a method, it's a craft that immerses you in the experience of making coffee, appreciating the journey that your coffee has taken to get to you and the many hands your coffee has been passed through to end up in yours.

Manual brewing allows you to directly interact with your brew, transforming your daily coffee routine into an act of creation and enjoyment. Dive deeper into the world of manual coffee brewing and discover how it can add an artisanal touch to your everyday life.

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