How to Rejuvenate your AeroPress - Barista Basics

How to Rejuvenate your AeroPress - Barista Basics

Estimated read time: 1 minute

All good things come to an end and the AeroPress coffee maker is no exception. Over time your AeroPress wears down, the rubber seal starts to break down, the plunging isn't as smooth and sometimes you are left with a big mess.

What causes the AeroPress to wear out?

9/10 times it is the AeroPress seal, this component acts as a rubber plunger that undergoes friction against the walls of the AeroPress chamber when you plunge up and down. 

While you may not notice it straight away, this plunging action starts to get easier and easier and can result in some faster than desired plunges and sometimes even the water pushing out behind the plunger.

AeroPress Seal AeroPress Replacement Rubber Seal Basic Barista Coffee gear Coffee Tools Barista Tools Barista Equipment

How to rejuvenate the AeroPress?

Before you do anything, give your AeroPress a deep clean, remove all the components and using dish soap scrub and clean everything. Try brewing and see if the problem is still persistent.

If you still are having troubles this is the time to replace the AeroPress seal.

AeroPress Seal AeroPress Replacement Rubber Seal Basic Barista Coffee gear Coffee Tools Barista Tools Barista Equipment

How to replace the AeroPress Seal:

  1. Disassemble the AeroPress and place the plunger upside down with the Seal facing upwards.
  2. With one hand hold onto the AeroPress Chamber and using your other hand peel the seal off, this may seem like you are going to break it but I promise you it will come off. Just make sure to pull it upwards from one side.
  3. Give your new AeroPress Replacement Seal a quick wash using hot water and dish soap, pat till dry.
  4. Place your new AeroPress seal on top of the chamber and secure one side before pushing it down around all the edges.
  5. Finally press down on the centre of the the AeroPress seal hard, this will remove any of the air pockets that may have been trapped in between the Chamber and the seal.
  6. Reassemble your AeroPress coffee maker and start brewing.

AeroPress Seal AeroPress Replacement Rubber Seal Basic Barista Coffee gear Coffee Tools Barista Tools Barista Equipment

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